
Word of today

nimble /'nɪmbḷ/

- able to move quickly and easily 靈活的;敏捷的
1.You need nimble fingers for that job. 幹這活需要手指靈巧。
2.She was extremely nimble on her feet. 她的雙腳特別靈活。

- of the mind 頭腦 able to think and understand quickly 思路敏捷的;機敏的





那個故事一小部份被寫在電腦檔案中 其他都還在我腦袋裏組裝發展著
最近走的還算踏實 回頭看都還看得到來時的腳印

Word of today

fracture /'fræktʃɚ/

- a break in a bone or other hard material (指状态)骨折,断裂,折断,破裂 countable
1.a fracture of the leg/skull 腿骨/颅骨骨折
2.a compound/simple fracture(= one in which the broken bone comes/does not come through the skin) 复合(开放)骨折;单纯(闭合)骨折

- the fact of something breaking, especially a bone (指事实)骨折,断裂,折断,破裂 uncountable
1.Old people's bones are more prone to fracture. 老人更易骨折。


- to break or crack; to make something break or crack (使)断裂,折断,破裂
1.His leg fractured in two places. 他的一条腿有两处骨折。 V
2.She fell and fractured her skull. 她跌倒摔裂了颅骨。 VN
3.a fractured pipeline 破裂的管道

- of a society, organization, etc. 社团、组织等 to split into several parts so that it no longer functions or exists; to split a society or organization, etc. in this way (使)分裂 formal
1.Many people predicted that the party would fracture and split. 很多人预言该党将分崩离析。 V
2.The company was fractured into several smaller groups. 这家公司被支解成几家小公司。 VN


Word of today

I. sophisticated /sə'fɪstɪˈketɪd/

- having a lot of experience of the world and knowing about fashion, culture and other things that people think are socially important 見多識廣的;老練的;見過世面的
1.the sophisticated pleasures of city life 城市生活中五花八門的享樂
2.Mark is a smart and sophisticated young man. 馬克是一個聰明老成的年輕人。

- of a machine, system, etc. 機器、體系等 clever and complicated in the way that it works or is presented 複雜巧妙的;先進的;精密的
1.highly sophisticated computer systems 十分先進的計算機系統
2.Medical techniques are becoming more sophisticated all the time. 醫療技術日益複雜精妙。

- of a person 人 able to understand difficult or complicated ideas 水平高的;在行的
1.a sophisticated audience 有鑒賞力的觀眾

II. sophisticate /sə'fɪstɪˈket/

- Cause (a person or their thoughts, attitudes, and expectations) to become less simple or straightforward through education or experience
1.a sophisticated person 老於世故的人;見多識廣的人

- Develop (something such as a piece of equipment or a technique) into a more complex form

- Talk or reason in an impressively complex and educated manner


Word of today

cutting edge

- the newest, most advanced stage in the development of something (處於某事物發展的)尖端,最前沿,領先階段 the ~ (of sth)
1.working at the cutting edge of computer technology 在計算機技術的最前端工作

- an aspect of something that gives it an advantage 有利方面;優勢


Word of today

adrift /ə'drɪft/

- if a boat or a person in a boat is adrift, the boat is not tied to anything or is floating without being controlled by anyone 漂浮;漂流 not before noun
1.The survivors were adrift in a lifeboat for six days. 幸存者在救生艇上漂流了六天。

- of a person 人 feeling alone and without a direction or an aim in life 漫無目的;隨波逐流;漂泊無依 British English not before noun
1.young people adrift in the big city 在大城市四處漂泊的年輕人

- no longer attached or fixed in the right position 脫開;鬆開 not before noun
1.I nearly suffocated when the pipe on my breathing apparatus came adrift. 我的呼吸器上的管子脫落時,我差一點窒息。
2.She had been cut adrift from everything she had known. 她曾被迫與她熟悉的一切切斷關係。 figurative
3.Our plans had gone badly adrift. 我們的計劃已嚴重受挫。 figurative

- in sport 體育運動 behind the score or position of your opponents 分數落後;排名在後 ~ (of sb/sth) (British English) not before, noun
1.The team are now just six points adrift of the leaders. 現在該隊得分比領先的隊只落後六分。


- cast/set somebody adrift
to leave somebody to be carried away on a boat that is not being controlled by anyone 使漂流


Word of today

loose /lus/

- not firmly fixed where it should be; able to become separated from something 未固定牢的;可分開的
1.a loose button/tooth 鬆動的鈕扣╱牙齒
2.Check that the plug has not come loose. 檢查一下別讓插頭鬆脫了。

- not tied together; not held in position by anything or contained in anything 未繫(或捆)在一起的;未固定的;零散的
1.She usually wears her hair loose. 她通常披散着頭髮。
2.The potatoes were sold loose, not in bags. 土豆是散裝而不是袋裝出售。

- free to move around without control; not tied up or shut in somewhere 不受約束;未束縛;自由 not usually before noun
1.The sheep had got out and were loose on the road. 那些羊跑出來在路上自由自在地走動。
2.The horse had broken loose(= escaped)from its tether. 那匹馬掙脫繮繩跑了。
3.During the night, somebody had cut the boat loose from its moorings. 有人在夜間砍斷了泊船的纜繩。

-not fitting closely 寬鬆的
1.a loose jacket/shirt 寬大的上衣╱襯衫

- not tightly packed together; not solid or hard 疏鬆的;不結實的;不堅固的
1.loose soil 疏鬆的土壤
2.a fabric with a loose weave 編織稀疏的織物

- not strictly organized or controlled 組織不嚴密的;未嚴加控制的
1.a loose alliance/coalition/federation 鬆散的聯盟╱同盟╱聯邦

- not exact; not very careful 不精確的;不嚴謹的;不周密的
1.a loose translation 不準確的譯文
2.loose thinking 不嚴密的思想

- not in any player's control 無球員控制的 sport
1.He pounced on a loose ball. 他猛然撲向一個無人控制的球。

- having too much liquid in it 稀的
1.a baby with loose bowel movements 患腹瀉的嬰兒


- break/cut/tear (something) loose from somebody/something
to separate yourself or somebody/something from a group of people or their influence, etc. (使)擺脫,掙脫
1.The organization broke loose from its sponsors. 那家機構擺脫了贊助商。
2.He cut himself loose from his family. 他擺脫了家庭的束縛。

- hang/stay loose informal, especially American English
to remain calm; to not worry 保持鎮靜;不着急
1.It's OK─hang loose and stay cool. 沒事兒,你要鎮定,要冷靜。

- have a loose tongue
to talk too much, especially about things that are private (尤指對隱私)多嘴,饒舌

- let loose British English, informal
to do something or to happen in a way that is not controlled 不受控制;自在發生
1.Teenagers need a place to let loose. 青少年需要一個可縱情嬉鬧的地方。

- let loose something
to make a noise or remark, especially in a loud or sudden way (尤指大聲或突然)發出,喊出,發表
1.She let loose a stream of abuse. 她破口大罵起來。

- let somebody/something loose
to free somebody/something from whatever holds them/it in place 讓…自由;釋放;放開
1.She let her hair loose and it fell around her shoulders. 她的頭髮一解開,便順着肩膀垂了下來。
2.Who's let the dog loose? 誰把狗放出來了?

- to give somebody complete freedom to do what they want in a place or situation 任(某人)自由行動;使隨心所欲;放任
1.He was at last let loose in the kitchen. 終於放手讓他幹廚房裏的活兒了。
2.A team of professionals were let loose on the project. 有一組專業人員在放心大膽地做這個項目。


- to release something or let it happen or be expressed in an uncontrolled way 釋放;放任;不受約束地表達 ~ sth (on/upon sb/sth) VN formal
1.His speech loosed a tide of nationalist sentiment. 他的講話表露出一種強烈的民族主義情緒。

- to make something loose, especially something that is tied or held tightly 鬆開,放開(尤指束緊或緊握的東西) VN formal
1.He loosed the straps that bound her arms. 他鬆開了綁在她手臂上的帶子。

-to fire bullets, arrows, etc. 射出(子彈、箭等) ~ sth (off) (at sb/sth) VN formal


-on the loose
of a person or an animal 人或動物 having escaped from somewhere; free 已逃出;自由


Word of today

euthanasia 安樂死

Last Minutes with ODEN from phos pictures on Vimeo.


Word of today

interpret /ɪn'tɝprɪt/

- to explain the meaning of something 诠释;说明 VN
1.The students were asked to interpret the poem. 学生们被要求诠释那首诗的意义。

- to decide that something has a particular meaning and to understand it in this way 把…理解为;领会 VN ~ sth (as sth)
1.I didn't know whether to interpret her silence as acceptance or refusal. 我不知该把她的沉默看作是接受还是拒绝。
2.The data can be interpreted in many different ways. 这份资料可以从多方面解读。

- to translate one language into another as you hear it 口译; 传译 V ~ (for sb)
1.She couldn't speak much English so her children had to interpret for her. 她讲不了几句英语,所以她的孩子们得给她翻译。

- to perform a piece of music, a role in a play, etc. in a way that shows your feelings about its meaning 演绎(按自己的感觉演奏音乐或表现角色) VN


Word of today


- something that is not worth what you pay for it 索价过高(或物非所值)的东西 usually singular informal
1. $70 for a T-shirt! What a rip-off! 70 块钱买一件 T 恤衫!太不值了!

- a copy of something, especially one that is less expensive or not as good as the original thing 仿制品;冒牌货 ~ (of sth) informal


Word of today

retard /rɪ'tɑrd/

- to make the development or progress of something slower 阻礙;減緩;使放慢速度 VN formal
1.The progression of the disease can be retarded by early surgery. 早期手術可以抑制病情的發展。


-an offensive way of describing somebody who is not intelligent or who has not developed normally 遲鈍的人;弱智 (slang)


Word of today

procrastination /prəuˌkræstiˈneiʃən/

- The action of delaying or postponing something 延迟;耽搁;因循


As being a man/ word of today


humble /ˈhʌmbl/

- showing you do not think that you are as important as other people 谦逊的;虚心的
1.Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes. 要虚心地从自己的错误中学习。
2.my humble tribute to this great man 鄙人对这位伟人表示敬意

- used to suggest that you are not as important as other people, but in a way that is not sincere or not very serious (表示谦逊,但不够诚挚或认真) ironic humorous
1.In my humble opinion, you were in the wrong. 依拙见,你错了。
2.My humble apologies. I did not understand. 对不起。我没有弄懂。

- having a low rank or social position (级别或地位)低下的,卑微的
1.a man of humble birth/origins 出身低微的人
2.a humble occupation 卑下职业
3.the daughter of a humble shopkeeper 一位小店主的女儿

- of a thing 事物 not large or special in any way 不大的;没有特别之处的
1.a humble farmhouse 小农舍
2.The company has worked its way up from humble beginnings to become the market leader. 公司已从创业期的微不足道发展成了市场的主导者。


- to make somebody feel that they are not as good or important as they thought they were 贬低;使感到卑微 VN
1.He was humbled by her generosity. 她的大度使他觉得自己渺小。
2.a humbling experience 一次令人惭愧的经历

- to easily defeat an opponent, especially a strong or powerful one 轻松打败(尤指强大的对手) usually passive VN
1.The world champion was humbled last night in three rounds. 这位世界冠军昨晚三个回合就被轻松击败。

- to show that you are not too proud to ask for something, admit that you have been wrong, etc. 低声下气;谦逊;虚心 ~ yourself VN