
Word of today

fracture /'fræktʃɚ/

- a break in a bone or other hard material (指状态)骨折,断裂,折断,破裂 countable
1.a fracture of the leg/skull 腿骨/颅骨骨折
2.a compound/simple fracture(= one in which the broken bone comes/does not come through the skin) 复合(开放)骨折;单纯(闭合)骨折

- the fact of something breaking, especially a bone (指事实)骨折,断裂,折断,破裂 uncountable
1.Old people's bones are more prone to fracture. 老人更易骨折。


- to break or crack; to make something break or crack (使)断裂,折断,破裂
1.His leg fractured in two places. 他的一条腿有两处骨折。 V
2.She fell and fractured her skull. 她跌倒摔裂了颅骨。 VN
3.a fractured pipeline 破裂的管道

- of a society, organization, etc. 社团、组织等 to split into several parts so that it no longer functions or exists; to split a society or organization, etc. in this way (使)分裂 formal
1.Many people predicted that the party would fracture and split. 很多人预言该党将分崩离析。 V
2.The company was fractured into several smaller groups. 这家公司被支解成几家小公司。 VN


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